A binder of documents related to Griffin Middle School. The documents include staff correspondence, a petition, data about the school and faculty credentials, memorandums, the governor's legislative program for education, a history of the school, textbook information, textbook expenditures, a program for Griffin Middle School's Awards Day, student promotion guidelines, a booklet about the school's programs, staff meeting notes, program planning, a proposal concerning the Leon Job Training Center, class schedules, newspaper clippings, statewide assessment results, and a list of school expenses.
Part three of a binder of documents related to Belle Vue Middle School. The documents include memorandums, staff meeting notes, staff correspondence, a flyer for the education fair, meeting minutes, time activity logs, class schedules, statewide assessment results, and a list of school expenses.
Part two of a binder of documents related to Belle Vue Middle School. The documents include Belle Vue Middle School academic content outlines, unified arts content outlines, general description of students by grade level, inservice and module activities, school philosophy and goals, and staff development activity.
Part one of a binder of documents related to Belle Vue Middle School. The documents include memorandums, staff correspondence, a procedural outline, a staffing report, and two volumes of the Belle Vue Bulletin.
Clippings of the Tallahassee Democrat from a binder of documents related to Belle Vue Middle School. The newspaper clippings related to disciplinary tactics in schools and a need for remedial instruction for university students in Florida.
The Spring 1986 issue of 'Homecoming,' the historically black college alumni and campus newspaper.
A graduate certificate from the State of Florida's Department of Education, authorizing Madeline Taylor Casanas to teach elementary school.
A temporary certificate from the State of Florida's Department of Education, authorizing Madeline Taylor Casanas to teach elementary school.
Graduate State Certificate certifying that Madeline Catherine Casanas is a graduate of Florida A&M College, with a focus in the Elementary School Course. This certificate authorized Casanas to teach sixth grade in Florida public schools. The back of the certificate contains her college records.
A brief bio of Florida educator Dr. Gilbert L. Porter, with a handwritten note by Althemese Barnes discussing the naming of Dr. Gilbert L. Porter Elementary School.