Obituaries & Obsequies Collection
Item set
In Loving Memory of Mr. Thomas Nelson Brown
The obituary and order of service for the funeral of Thomas Nelson Brown, who died April 3, 1997. -
The Celebration of the life of Sister Victorine Theresa Taylor Blake
The obituary and order of service for the funeral of Victorine Theresa Taylor Blake, former Leon County educator, whose exact date of passing is not stated. -
Homegoing Celebration for the late Thomas "Tommy" Joshua Hadley
The obituary and order of service for the funeral of Thomas "Tommy" Joshua Hadley, who died March 10, 1997. -
The Celebration of Life In Loving Memory of Carolyn Williams Harris
The obituary and order of service for the funeral of Carolyn Williams Harris, who died February 28, 1997. -
Funeral Services for Mr. Vinzant Augustus Pottsdamer
The obituary and order of service for the funeral of Vinzant Augustus Pottsdamer, whose exact date of passing is not stated. -
In Remembrance of Mr. Willie Howard
The obituary and order of service for the funeral of Willie Howard, who died January 24, 1997. -
Homegoing Service of Paul Houston
The program for the funeral service of Paul Houston, whose exact date of death is not stated here. -
In Loving Memory of the Late Matthew L. Rollins
The obituary and funeral program for Matthew L. Rollins, who died on December 25th, 1990. -
Obsequies of the Late Mrs. Louise Deas
The obituary and funeral program for Louise Deas, who died on December 24th, 1990. -
Homegoing Celebration for Harriet Verdell Doyle Stevens
The obituary and funeral program for Harriet Verdell Doyle Stevens, who died on December 12th, 1990.